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    About Us

    We founded ZENPOWER Massage in Sydney, Australia with the intention to make elite level recovery accessible to everyone.
    • We are sports addicts & we are an Australian family-owned business (zero investors).
    • We care about others well being.
    • We love massage guns. They are super effective and powerful.
    • We believe everyone should have one at home whether you are an athlete or just need a good back massage ever now and then.
    • We like quality and would never cut corners.
    • We want that you are happy.
    • We hope you enjoy your massage gun and feel like a pro.
    Maybe see you around on the sports field, on the beach, in the ocean or at the gym.


    We strive to provide innovation to help you move better, and the inspiration to reach your full potential. We want to empower you to live a healthy and active lifestyle and to nourish your body through taking care of yourself. You deserve to feel amazing.

    We're here to make you feel good about every muscle in your body and where you are right now, while cheering you on to become a fitter, faster, stronger and healthier version of yourself!

    We are driven to design the best massage guns and recovery tools on the planet, so when you use your ZENPOWER Massage Gun it transforms the way your muscles recover and get stronger, the way your body relaxes and feels. 

    Whether you’re an elite athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or seeking a healthier lifestyle, our devices allow you to move better, so you can feel your absolute best.



    Karin has been a sports and health addict for her whole life. She is truely passionate about wholesome living and about inspiring others to incorporate the basic foundations of sport, health and wellness into your life. 

    She calls them the Awesome Foursome. Relaxation, Moving Your Body, Nourishing your Body and Enjoying Life. By creating a lifestyle with these principles as a core foundation then health, wellness and vitality will be part of our day every day.

    Karin was born in Austria but has called Sydney her home for over 10 years.

    She worked for a number of years at Fitness First & Goodlife Head Office and passionately runs workshops endorsing a healthy lifestyle.

    In addition she is a fully accredited Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor teaching an inspiring workout combination of Yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi (currently only available for private classes).

    Karin has been dedicated to giving back to her community her whole life. As former Marketing Executive for charities such as the United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF and Children’s Cancer Institute she had a deep desire for helping others and making the world a better place.

    She has a joyful, down-to-earth approach and loves the beach, healthy food + chocolates, exploring the world, playing Beach Volleyball, dogs, cooking, skiing and of course all things nurturing the body and the mind.

    Her vision to create the brand ZENPOWER Massage was born from her sport addiction, the desire to share quality performance athletic gear and to build a community where she can inspire each other to reach their full potential. 

    She brought her vision to life with selecting all products with care to make sure they are top quality, featuring amazing technology that will have a positive impact on your life. Karin hopes that you enjoy the products as much as she does.



    At ZENPOWER Massage we believe that sustainability is not a luxury, but the future. We produce only quality products so you can


    "Our goal is to change the customers attitude to shopping"

    Because when you Buy Better Not More you are saying "no" to the cheap and fast electronic industry and making a positive move forward towards sustainability.

    FACT: If as consumers we buy quality over quantity we will buy LESS which will force factories to make LESS and successfully reduce the negative impacts on our planet.

    We know that sustainability starts in our own backyard, so at ZENPOWER headquaters:

        • We are aiming to transition all single use plastics out of our business, and to make product packaging compostable. This is a challenging process and we will get there.

        • We keep unnecessary trucks off the roads and reduce emissions by shipping to our stores direct from our manufacturer

        • Our boxes are reused across the business

        • Our warehouse's reuse, repurpose and recycle as much packaging as possible, including soft plastics and cardboard

        • We reduce waste, limit printing, recycle and reuse paper and office supplies

        • Paperless invoicing


    We refuse to compromise on quality, so when you choose ZENPOWER Massage you're investing in products that will last. Buying less and buying better reduces the products you discard and saves you money.


      Go for Quality over Quantity (Buy Better Not More) with everything you buy - investing in quality pieces will SAVE you money in the long term and is better for the environment. 


      This is your personal home masseuse

      Australia's favourite massage guns.

      Australian Warranty

      12 months warranty

      Trusted & Safe

      Safe, private & secure transaction

      100% satisfaction guarantee

      14 day money back guarantee

      Quality Guarantee

      Australia's best massage gun